Anxiety as an Ally

Anxiety as an Ally

The holiday season often triggers anxiety around issues like spending time with family members who say or do hurtful things and maintaining healthy boundaries around eating or drinking. This year, many people have additional worries about contracting and/or spreading COVID-19 during their holiday celebrations, which may feel especially heightened after nearly two years of living in a pandemic. (Not to mention the other systemic concerns that we might also feel anxious about.)

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Your Child’s Ethnicity Is Different from Yours

Your Child’s Ethnicity Is Different from Yours

Multiethnic families are extremely common—they are as old as the United States itself and are widespread around the world. This recognition of diversity can mean that people are beginning to acknowledge their cultural heritage—and ethnicity, as well.

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Raising Young Black Sons as a Solo Mother

Raising Young Black Sons as a Solo Mother

Little Brother is a 10-chapter documentary film series and interactive media project that features one-on-one conversations with black boys as young as nine years old. This is great documentary for Solo Moms of young black boys, educators, and anyone interested in what young, black, male children are thinking about.

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