Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.

— Pema Chödrön

  • This community of therapists understands that systemic and structural issues are not personal failures.

    We believe that the therapeutic process can center reassurance, relief, resistance; rest and creative activism.

    We can feel more connected to ourselves and our relationships.

    We reflect who we work with - everyone and anyone who sees themselves at the intersections or crossroads.

    We partner with organizations for wellness work within the areas of arts, culture, education, social justice, including gender-based violence.

  • Our work is individualized, integrative, creative and centered on you for growth and healing. We focus on liberation in mental health and wellness through a mix of psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral, evidence-based psychology and other healing practices.

    We will approach you with curiosity and in the spirit of compassionate collaboration as healing comes through a deep integration of your story.

    Additionally, the practice offers clinical support, supervision and mentorship to social workers affected by this current administrations policies, therapists, counselors and healers who desire to be seen and heard. Many in the field have not received intentional supervision from a place of acknowledgment. Carrying a quadruple burden within these systems - often for a variety of reasons - leaves many unable to receive clinical licensure.

Mentors and Affiliations

The Liberated Us

The late Sippo Small, LCSW
DSWs at Ackerman Institute for the Family
Dr. Willie Tolliver, Silberman School of Social Work, Hunter College
Dr. Rhea Almedia and The Institute for Family Services  and dounder of The Liberation-Based Healing Conference
Erika Thorne, Training for Change
Calvin Cruz, MD, MSW
Dr. Eleni Toumarides, LCSW
Jason Walter, LCSW
Sunny Macguire, The Ethical Dilemma 

Natasha R. Johnson, JD/RYT, Founder Globalizing Gender