What is a Feminist Approach to Therapy?
Here’s a bit of history…the feminist approach to psychotherapy is a branch of psychology that shook things up during the late 20th century, particularly during the second wave of feminism. This approach is all about challenging the traditional ways of therapy and recognizing how societal power structures and gender inequality affect our mental health. It was like a breath of fresh air in the world of psychology, because it is a move away from white-male-centered dominant thinking within the field.
Addressing Racial Bullying
Bullying and harassment of students of color in K-12 schools is a form of racial trauma and is an ongoing issue that warrants our attention. Bullying is a broad phenomenon and experience; however, racial bullying is very distinct and has unique outcomes for individuals of color—especially adolescents. What are the impacts of racial trauma? Racism, discrimination, microaggressions and other forms of hate (physical and non-physical) are linked to negative mental health outcomes such as depression, anxiety, and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Additionally, these experiences may lead to feelings or isolation, and invisibility for students of color. Not feeling heard or seen.